You might have read news about the constant battle of huge businesses with network breach. Since the beginning of the web, malicious attacks have been unceasingly finding loopholes on network security either to steal identity or crucial business data. While it may be that only high profile cases make it to the news, there are daily examples of network or software security failures that can have a great risk on your business.
There was once a time that only large corporate worried about online security breaches. However, in this new era when everyone relies on technology for daily functions such as emailing or storing sensitive data, no one is really safe from worms, spywares and viruses attacks. So as a small o medium sized business, how will you secure your network? To reduce your chances of becoming another network security statistics, here are the top three things you need to keep in mind.
Be vigilant
Did you know that 80 percent of network and software breaches occur within the organization? Most often it is the seemingly innocent daily action of your employees which may put your network at risk. They may open an email attached with a virus or surf in spam websites. Perhaps your employee may have had an infected USB stick and use it at work to finish a task he started at home.
Honestly, there are many ways that you can be infiltrated with malicious and aggressive online attacks. That is why you need to be extra careful and regulate the use of portable software and media storages to minimize your risk.
The sad reality
As much as you wanted to secure your data, there is actually no fool-proof method to keep you 100 percent safe from online threats. The best thing you can do is to have a back-up plan or a PC tech support team to help you secure, maintain and filter your network from web attacks. If it comes to worse, they should also be able to stop the aggressive attack and do further damage to your business.
Prevention is always better than cure -- getting back to the basics
To have a more secure and impenetrable network, here are the things you and your business should have.
Strong passwords that change regularly
It is very much recommended to use hard-to-guess passwords with at least eight characters long with a mix of upper and lower case as well as numbers. In addition, change passwords at least every 90 days.
Enable your Firewall
All Microsoft Operating Systems have a built in Firewall security. Enable it as it will provide a layer of protection between your network and the threats swarming on the net. A Firewall can filter and block potential threat as well as unauthorized data to reach your network. So take advantage of that.
Also, there are two types of Firewalls -- the software and the hardware. The software firewall runs on individual computers while the hardware firewall can protect several computers at once. Of course the size and needs of your company determine which type of firewall you should use.
Up-to-date antivirus software and anti-spyware technology
Setting up a Firewall is not enough. That is because new viruses are created every day. So to make sure that no advance virus can pass through your network, you need a powerful and up-to-date antivirus software to protect you against the latest online threats.
On the other hand and from the word itself, spyware is used to spy on you and gather information about you and your business then relay the data to whomever planted or send it in the first place. With an anti-spyware technology you can ensure your privacy while surfing online.
While you cannot guarantee to secure your network from any security breaches, it is crucial to have a contingency plan should the worse happen. Having a computer technical support team is the best defense you can have against all forms of malicious attacks online.
To know more about how a technical support specialist can help your business needs, call one of the leading online tech support providers today, SUPPORTrix at 1877 787 8749 Or log on to
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