Sunday, January 15, 2012

?Ron Paul Is My Homeboy?

For Paul supporters, ?it?s not really about political views, it?s about knowledge,? says Dan Cassino, a political scientist at Fairleigh Dickinson University. Supporters tend to talk about the congressman as a would-be educator-in-chief. ?Without him I don?t think that we would know so much,? says a young man supporting Paul in Austin. Unlike supporters of, say, Obama or Mitt Romney, Paul supporters tend to talk about an absolute truth, one that others would see, too, if they could just be persuaded to read certain materials. Among them: Friedrich Hayek?s The Road to Serfdom, and Ayn Rand?s Atlas Shrugged. These, of course, come from Paul, who gives an exhaustive list of recommendations at the back of what he calls his ?manifesto.? During the 2008 election, Paul helpfully offered Rudy Giuliani a four-book reading list, including The 9/11 Commission Report, to improve Giuliani?s grasp of foreign policy.


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