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WASHINGTON (AFP) ? Democratic US Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid put off a contentious procedural vote on a White House-backed plan to avert a disastrous debt default, citing progress toward a compromise.
"There are negotiations going on at the White House to avert a catastrophic default on the nation's debt. There are many elements to be finalized and there is still a distance to go," he said.
With a midnight Tuesday deadline closing in, Reid said that he was putting off to 1:00 pm (1700 GMT) a procedural vote on his plan to raise the $14.3 trillion US debt limit -- a bill Republicans had vowed to kill.
"I spoke to the White House quite a few times this evening, and they've asked me to give everyone as much time as possible to reach an agreement if one can be reached," said the lawmaker, a close ally of President Barack Obama.
"I'm glad to see this move toward cooperation and compromise. I hope that it bears fruit," said Reid, who said he was "confident" that a final deal would embrace a long-term increase in the US debt ceiling.
The US economy hit that limit on May 16 and has used spending and accounting adjustments, as well as higher-than-expected tax receipts, to continue operating normally -- but can only do so through August 2.
Business and finance leaders have warned that default would send crippling aftershocks through the fragile US economy, still wrestling with stubbornly high unemployment of 9.2 percent in the wake of the 2008 global meltdown.
Absent a deal, the US government will have to cut an estimated 40 cents out of every dollar it spends, forcing grim choices between defaulting on its debt or cutting back on programs like those that help the poor, disabled and elderly.
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There were many religious practices, which have risen over time and distance dramatically, the occult has been one of many, remained surprisingly strong. A cult refers to a group with its own set of religious beliefs and rituals that are considered unorthodox or spurious. On the other hand, belongs to the mystic occult, supernatural or spiritual practices.
Known as legitimate religions, sects have their own leaders who only needs his charismatic character, theirone. These are the ones that relate to different churches as false prophets. Indoctrination calculation is much more powerful weapon worship leader. And "this extraordinary attraction they have for their members, give them a big influence on the latter, so far, that this leader can be a member to do anything you want.
But before the boss could be successful in attracting a person in the entire group, the first thing they must first feel important, needed and special. Here is thePerson is made to believe that he never have so little else. Simultaneously, the leaders of the member that forces beyond human comprehension, has a god, the son of a prophet or a god or God himself in human form.
Some activities are involved in a cult, should also satanism, voodoo or witchcraft, the practice of black magic and sorcery, paganism, vampirism, evoking the spirits of the dead or injured, or cannibalism. These areextreme form of occultism, which hurt and kill animals or people, and give the range of life and limb, usually involving young women and innocent children. There are other, more subtle and simple as the worship of idols and images, beliefs and superstitions, astrology, healing and meditation, trance, hypnosis, and other short and rituals.
You will never understand why people might occultism and still be involved in connection cults. But it is clear what theirRuthless leaders do ? which mercilessly feed on power and wealth that their helpless victims, are friendly to them.
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I'll be the first to admit that much of my excitement over Google+ (free) was a result of Facebook fatigue. The social network that has become the social network may have already peaked in popularity, leaving little ground to explore. No Facebook stone has been left unturned. With the mass appeal of any product comes the desire for something different, fresh blood, an underdog.
Powered by Google, Google+ is hardly an underdog, though Google's dismal social networking record means it's not a shoe-in, either. In the giant shadow of Facebook, Google+ may be the only other player that stands a chance of being noticed. That's not to discount Twitter by any stretch, but there's no denying that head-to-head, feature-for-feature, the site that Google+ intends to beat is Facebook.
How Google+ Stacks Up
While not a direct clone, Google+ very clearly imitates Facebook?although the more I use Google+, the more resemblance I see to Twitter, too. The primary way you interact with Google+ is by posting messages ("status updates" in Facebookese) and watching and responding to the content that other people post. In Facebook, these updates roll into a news feed. In Google+, it's a stream.
Like Facebook, Google+ lets you share photos and videos. Google gives you virtually unlimited storage: 1GB, but photos 2,048 by 2,048 pixels and smaller, and videos 15 minutes or shorter don't count toward that limit. Unless you're seriously into photography, most of your online photos should be smaller than 2,048 by 2,048 pixels anyhow.
One elemental way Google+ differs from Facebook is in how "friendship" is defined, and here's where Google+] starts to resemble Twitter. In Facebook, friends must have a mutual relationship. If someone wants to be your friend and see your updates in their news feed, you have to agree to a mutual friendship. Google+ works more like Twitter, in which anyone can follow you regardless of whether you follow back, although you do have the option of blocking unwanted followers in both Twitter and Google+. Additionally, both Twitter and Google+ can notify you (or you can disable the notifications) when new people follow you. Links to the followers' profile pages help you determine if you would rather block the users.
What You Can't Get in Google+
What Google+ lacks, nearly a month after its debut, is an element of play, some app-within-an-app or section of the site that welcomes creativity and imagination. Facebook embraces apps, from games like Farmville, Mafia Wars, and Words with Friends, to the Twitter app that lets you synch the two social networks. And as much as Google purports to be "open" (Android, Chrome), with Google+ it isn't, denying third-party developers creative freedom to build something interesting and new on top of the platform. Sure, if third-party apps were allowed into Google+, the site would creep ever closer to becoming a Facebook clone, but undoubtedly, we'd see some innovation, too, particularly because there's room to explore how Google+ could interact with Gmail, Gmail chat, YouTube, and other popular Google services, differently than how it does now.
The only pioneering element that Google+ seems to have implemented successfully so far is Circles, or clusters of friends that you group by design. With Circles, you get to survey your entire list of friends and categorize them into groups. You can name the Circles whatever you want, such as "family," "co-workers," or "annoying people from high school." Your connections can't see the Circles you create, so they don't know how you've classified them. You can also categorize people into more than one circle, so your sister might be both "family" and "close friends." Circles are visual and intuitive, with a drag-and-drop creation mechanism and thumbnail images of profile images popping up whenever you want to be reminded whom you put in which Circle.
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NEW YORK ? U.S. officials will be looking for clear signs that North Korea is serious about giving up its nuclear weapons programs in exchange for improved relations with Washington during two days of talks beginning Thursday.
The high-level meetings at the U.S. Mission to the United Nations, in the shadow of the U.N. headquarters complex, have raised hopes of a possible breakthrough in resuming disarmament negotiations after more than a year of high tensions between the rival North and South.
The discussions aim to build on last week's surprise talks between nuclear negotiators from North and South Korea in Indonesia, the first such meeting since disarmament talks were last held in December 2008. The arms talks collapsed shortly afterward.
Seoul blames Pyongyang for two attacks last year that killed 50 South Koreans and led to threats of war.
Ambassador Stephen Bosworth, the Obama administration's top envoy on North Korean affairs, will head the U.S. delegation in talks Thursday and Friday with North Korean Vice Foreign Minister Kim Kye Gwan, the State Department said.
"We're not prepared to have talks for talks' sake," State Department spokesman Mark Toner told reporters in Washington on Wednesday. "What we're looking for in this meeting is to determine if North Korea is, in fact, ready to fulfill its commitments."
That was a reference to a 2005 joint declaration requiring North Korea to abandon all nuclear weapons programs and allow the return of international weapons inspectors in exchange for better relations with its Asian neighbors, energy assistance and a pledge from Washington that it wouldn't attack the North.
Toner said the United States was only engaging in "exploratory" talks.
Five nations ? the United States, China, Japan, South Korea and Russia ? have been negotiating since 2003 to persuade North Korea to dismantle its nuclear programs. Pyongyang pulled out of the six-party talks in April 2009 after being censured for launching a long-range rocket.
However, North Korea and China have made recent calls to resurrect the negotiations.
Kim told reporters after landing in New York Tuesday that he was "optimistic" the six-party talks could resume and that relations with the U.S. might improve.
"Now is the time for countries to reconcile," he said, according to South Korea's Yonhap News Agency.
On Wednesday, Pyongyang pressed for the U.S. to sign a peace treaty formally ending the Korean War. In an editorial marking the 58th anniversary of an armistice ending the 1950-53 conflict, the official Korean Central News Agency repeated a long-held demand of the North Korean government, saying a peace treaty could help resolve the nuclear deadlock.
At U.N. headquarters, North Korea's Ambassador Sin Son Ho said Wednesday that U.S. modernization of its nuclear weapons and expansion of its missile defense systems will eventually spark a new nuclear arms race.
He told a General Assembly meeting on revitalizing the Conference on Disarmament, which North Korea chairs this month, that if "the largest nuclear weapon state" ? a reference to the United States ? wants to stop the spread of nuclear weapons "it should show its good example by negotiating the Treaty of Abolishing Nuclear Weapons."
Sin said North Korea's "consistent policy" is "the total and complete elimination of nuclear weapons."
But he said modernization programs, including making small nuclear weapons that can be used like conventional weapons and expanding missile defense systems to blanket the globe, show that the U.S. "has lost its legal or moral justifications to talk of proliferation issues."
The U.S. Mission to the United Nations did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Sin's statement.
The cautious diplomatic jostling ahead of the talks came after more than a year of hardline unity by Washington and Seoul, backed by international investigators who concluded that a North Korean torpedo sank a South Korean warship in March 2010, killing 46 sailors.
The South demanded an apology from the North for that incident, and an artillery attack on a front-line South Korean island that killed four in November.
North Korea denies a role in the sinking and says South Korea provoked the island shelling with a firing drill. At the same time, Pyongyang repeatedly has shown a willingness to return to the disarmament table. The North is seen as needing a diplomatic breakthrough and outside food aid ahead of the 2012 centennial of the birth of the country's founder, Kim Il Sung.
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton invited the North Korean vice foreign minister to New York after what U.S. officials described as a constructive meeting between North and South Korean negotiators at an Asian security forum last week. But Clinton said the U.S. wouldn't reward the North for just returning to the table or promising to uphold old agreements.
The wariness reflects years of U.S. frustrations with North Korea, which has used its nuclear program to wring concessions from Western nations. The U.S. also said ally South Korea needed to be satisfied with the North's sincerity before Washington would act.
Associated Press Writer Anita Snow contributed to this report from the United Nations
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LONDON ? Wearing dark suits, black dresses and the occasional beehive hairdo, friends and family said goodbye to Amy Winehouse Tuesday with prayers, tears, laughter and song at an emotional funeral ceremony.
"Amy was the greatest daughter, family member and friend you could ever have," said her father, Mitch Winehouse, in a section of the eulogy released by a family spokesman.
The singer's father, mother and brother were joined by Winehouse's close friends, band members and celebrities including producer Mark Ronson for the service at Edgwarebury Cemetery in north London. Media personality Kelly Osbourne was one of several women to wear their hair piled beehive-high in an echo of the singer's trademark style.
Fans and photographers thronged the lane outside, but the funeral was for several hundred friends and family only.
Mitch Winehouse told mourners that his late daughter had recently found love and had beaten her drug dependency three years before her death, but he admitted she was still struggling to control her drinking after several weeks of abstinence.
"She said, 'Dad I've had enough of drinking, I can't stand the look on your and the family's faces anymore.'" Mitch Winehouse said.
He said Amy had been playing her drums and singing in the home the night before her death.
"But knowing she wasn't depressed, knowing she passed away, knowing she passed away happy, it makes us all feel better," he said, adding that he hopes to set up an Amy Winehouse Foundation that would help people beat substance abuse.
The cab driver and jazz singer, who helped foster his daughter's love of music, ended his eulogy with the words "Goodnight, my angel, sleep tight. Mummy and Daddy love you ever so much."
The Jewish service was led by a rabbi and included prayers in English and Hebrew.
It ended with a rendition of Carole King's "So Far Away," one of Winehouse's favorite songs.
"Mitch was funny, he told some great stories from childhood about how headstrong she was, and clearly the family and friends recognized the stories and laughed along," said family spokesman Chris Goodman.
"He stressed so many times she was happier now than she had ever been and he spoke about her boyfriend and paid tribute to a lot of people in her life."
Family friend Alfie Ezekiel, 55, said the service had been a "joyful" celebration of the singer's life.
"Mitch gave a very good eulogy and he managed to get through it very well, considering," he said.
Close family and friends ? including Winehouse's recent boyfriend, Reg Traviss ? moved on to Golders Green Crematorium, where the singer was cremated.
Several mourners, including Ronson ? who co-produced Winehouse's breakthrough album "Back to Black" ? looked emotional as they left the red brick structure, which has seen the cremations of thousands of ordinary Londoners and many celebrities, including psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, comedian Peter Sellers and drummer Keith Moon of The Who.
The family was then due to hold two days of shiva, a Jewish traditional period of mourning.
The soul diva, who had battled alcohol and drug addiction for years, was found dead Saturday at her London home. She was 27.
An autopsy held Monday failed to determine what caused her death. Police are awaiting the results of toxicology tests, which will take two to four weeks.
Winehouse released only two albums in her short career ? winning five Grammy awards for "Back to Black" ? and often made headlines because of drug and alcohol abuse, eating disorders, destructive relationships and abortive performances.
Since her death, her records have re-entered album charts around the world, and tributes have poured in from fans and fellow musicians.
George Michael called her "the most soulful vocalist this country has ever seen," and soul singer Adele said she "paved the way for artists like me and made people excited about British music again."
Mesfin Fekadu in London contributed to this report.
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WASHINGTON ? A lawsuit that had threatened to end the Obama administration's funding of embryonic stem cell research was thrown out Wednesday, allowing the U.S. to continue supporting a search for cures to deadly diseases over protests that the work relies on destroyed human embryos.
The lawsuit claimed that research funded by the National Institutes of Health violated the 1996 Dickey-Wicker law that prohibits taxpayer financing for work that harms an embryo. But the administration policy allows research on embryos that were culled long ago through private funding.
U.S. District Judge Royce Lamberth, chief of the federal court in Washington, last year said the lawsuit was likely to succeed and ordered a stop to the research while the case continued. But responding to a swift protest from the Obama administration, the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals here quickly overturned Lamberth's injunction and said the case was likely to fail.
Lamberth said in his opinion Wednesday that he is bound by the higher court's analysis and ruled in favor of the administration.
"This Court, following the D.C. Circuit's reasoning and conclusions, must find that defendants reasonably interpreted the Dickey-Wicker Amendment to permit funding for human embryonic stem cell research because such research is not `research in which a human embryo or embryos are destroyed,' " Lamberth wrote.
Researchers hope one day to use embryonic stem cells in ways that cure spinal cord injuries, Parkinson's disease and other ailments. Opponents of the research object because the cells were obtained from destroyed human embryos. Though current research is using cells culled long ago, opponents also fear research success would spur destruction of new embryos. Proponents say the research cells come mostly from extra embryos discarded anyway by fertility clinics.
President George W. Bush also permitted stem cell research, but limited the availability of taxpayer funds to embryonic stem cell lines that were already in existence and "where the life and death decision has already been made." Obama's order removed that limitation, allowing projects that involve stem cells from already-destroyed embryos or embryos to be destroyed in the future. To qualify, parents who donate the original embryo must be told of other options, such as donating to another infertile woman.
The Obama administration's rules expanded the number of stem cell lines created with private money that federally funded scientists could research, up from the 21 that Bush had allowed, to 128 and counting.
Obama adviser Stephanie Cutter wrote on the White House blog that Lamberth's ruling is good news for patients suffering from diseases that could potentially be treated by stem cell research.
"For too long, patients and families have suffered from debilitating, incurable diseases and we know that stem cell research offers hope to millions of Americans across the country," she wrote. "President Obama is committed to supporting responsible stem cell research and today's ruling was another step in the right direction."
The lawsuit was filed in 2009 by two scientists who argued that Obama's expansion jeopardized their ability to win government funding for research using adult stem cells ? ones that have already matured to create specific types of tissues ? because it will mean extra competition.
Follow Nedra Pickler's coverage of legal affairs at
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The summer break will soon be over, and students will be returning to their classrooms. Here are some story ideas and Texas A&M University experts who can address some of the educational issues of concern to many parents and educators. if you need additional assistance, contact Tura King at (979) 845-4670 or
Parent and Family Involvement
Parent and family involvement in a student?s education is key to his or her academic success. Gwendolyn Webb-Hasan, associate professor in the College of Education and Human Development, can speak to the importance of parents and family taking an active part in their child?s learning and ways they can help. She can be reached at (979) 458-3973 or
Recommendations for Dealing with Aggressive Children
?Unfortunately, bullying is a common problem in schools from kindergarten through high school that may have negative long-term effects on the victim,? says Texas A&M educational psychologist Jan N. Hughes. Parents should also know bullies tend to pick on children who are lonely or socially isolated and who do not pose a risk of retaliation. therefore a victim?s parents can help their child develop friendships in the classroom, Hughes advises. for example, inviting well-accepted classmates who are more socially connected within the peer group to go on fun outings is one way to help a child to build a social support system that protects him or her from being bullied. some victimized children benefit from special instruction in social skills. the school psychologist may offer such instruction or be able to recommend someone to provide this instruction. Hughes can be contacted at (979) 862-1093 or
A related study by Hughes shows that a warm, close relationship between a child at risk for behavioral problems and his or her teacher reduces the chances of aggressive behavior in the future. unfortunately, such supportive teacher-student relationships are missing for many children with conduct problems, Hughes says. in contrast, teacher-student interactions characterized by high levels of conflict and controlling interactions and low levels of warmth and acceptance may serve to increase a child?s risk for aggressive behavior. She can be contacted at (979) 845-2324 or
Bullying Among Girls
Considerable research suggests girls are more likely to engage in relational bullying than physical or verbal bullying. Researchers at Texas A&M have been paying more attention recently to cyber-bullying, a digital form of relational bullying (e.g., gossiping/character defamation/sending embarrassing photos through cell phone texts or by posting on social networking sites/webpages). the Texas A&M study is headed by Jamilia Blake, director of the Peer Relations and Adjustment Lab and assistant professor in educational psychology. Blake is a Licensed Specialist in School Psychology (LSSP) and is certified in School Crisis Response. Her research interests concern children?s peer relations. Specifically, she is interested in peer-directed aggression in ethnic minority populations and females and the relation between peer-directed aggression and children?s psychological/social adjustment and academic achievement. Blake can be reached at (979) 862-8341 or
School Fitness, Health and Nutrition
Lisako McKyer is knowledgeable about programs and resources for combating childhood obesity, having recently established the Child and Adolescent Health Research Lab at Texas A&M. She also is working on behalf of Texas A&M on the Texas Childhood Obesity Prevention Policy Evaluation project, a collaboration with the Dell Center at the University of Texas School of Public Health and the Texas Department of State Health Services. McKyer can be reached at (979) 845-9280 or .edu.
Susan Wagner, a health and kinesiology professor at Texas A&M who teaches future physical education teachers, has insight into children?s balance and fitness. She says recent increases in injuries among children are natural consequences of their indoor-oriented lifestyles and reduced emphasis on exercise. She can be reached at (979) 845-2063 or
As children get older and begin participating in team sports and gym classes, proper exercise techniques can be important to avoid injury. Denise Chapman, an exercise science instructor at Texas A&M, can talk about common mistakes people make when exercising, such as using cardio and weight equipment before learning how to use them and wearing improper clothing. Chapman can be reached at (979) 575-1748 or .edu.
Jamilia Blake, assistant professor of school psychology, is conducting research that shows students can lose calories by using ?standing? desks. She is part of a team that conducted a pilot study in first-grade classrooms measuring the effects of using standing-height desks. their findings indicate higher levels of calorie expenditure in students with the standing desks, as well as increased attentiveness. Students in classrooms with the standing-height desks are choosing to stand more than two-thirds of the time and are burning an average of 17 percent more calories overall than their classmates in traditional seated classrooms. Overweight and obese students are burning 32 percent more calories while working at standing desks than their peers who work in traditional seated classrooms. Contact Blake at (979) 862-8341 or
Reading Problems
As director of the Texas A&M Reading Clinic, Erin McTigue assists struggling readers every day. She can provide information about how parents can help their children address reading difficulties, spark more interest and gain confidence in reading. She can be reached at (979) 862-3590 or
English as a Second Language (ESL)
ESL students face special challenges in learning English while also working to stay on top of required class material. Rafael Lara-Alecio, director of bilingual educational programs, is knowledgeable about the issues confronting ESL students, and he has ideas about what actions parents of ESL students can take to increase their success. Lara-Alecio is available at (979) 845-3467 or
Language Development
Jorge E. Gonzalez and Sharolyn Pollard-Durodola, assistant professors in Texas A&M?s Department of Educational Psychology, will evaluate the effectiveness of WORLD (Words of Oral Reading and Language Development) ? a language-building intervention program developed for preschool-age children ? in select student populations in Texas. they are part of a team that will test WORLD and its net positive impact in schools with high concentrations of students with low socio-economic status and ethnically and linguistically diverse backgrounds, primarily Hispanic. Gonzalez is at (979) 845-2324 or and Pollard-Durodola is at (979) 862-4663 or
Emotional Intelligence (EI) can Help Determine Career Success
Conventional wisdom has indicated a person?s IQ is a dominant factor in determining career success, but new research is now showing that a person?s emotional intelligence (EI) may be equally or even more important. the findings by Fredrick Nafukho and Helen Muyia of Texas A&M?s Department of Educational Administration and Human Resource Development, respectively, have been published in a special issue of the journal Advances in Developing Human Resources. ?People with high emotional intelligence and IQ tend to do better over the course of their lives than people with just a high IQ,? Nafukho says. Fredrick Nafukho can be reached at (979) 862-3395 or
Four-Day School Week
Four-day school weeks are becoming more popular, but Kathryn McKenzie, an associate professor in educational administration, says each school system must weigh the pros and cons of adopting such a schedule. the tactic can help save jobs and reserve fiscal resources, but before making any changes, the educational programs must be assessed, McKenzie says. She can be reached at
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Barry and Diane
Skin cancer runs in my husband Barry?s family. He has had several lesions removed, frozen, or burned off over the years. Fortunately, all have been either precancerous areas called actinic keratoses or basal cell carcinomas, which are easily treated. He has all the risk factors.
Risk factors for skin cancer
Barry slathers on the sunscreen, so the new FDA guidelines for rating and labeling sunscreen caught the family?s attention. If you want to protect yourself against skin cancer, you not only need a sunscreen with a skin protective factor or SPF of 15 or higher, you also need one that is broad-spectrum. ?Broad-spectrum means that it protects against two types of ultraviolet radiation ? UVB rays, which burn your skin, and UVA rays, which cause skin cancer and premature aging of the skin.
New FDA sunscreen guidelines
~In order to claim that a sunscreen protects against skin cancer, it must be at least SPF-15 and must protect against UVB and UVA. If the claim can?t be made, a warning must be added to the label: ?This product has not been shown to prevent skin cancer or premature skin aging.?
~No sunscreen is really waterproof so only the term water-resistant can be used and only if studies prove that the product retains its value after being exposed to water.
~The term sunblock can no longer be used, because no sunscreen can completely block the sun.
Back to Barry
He sees the dermatologist regularly, and we are always on the lookout for signs of skin cancer. Usually it will be a ?little place that has become red or a tiny sore that won?t heal.? Those are typical signs of basal cell carcinoma, the most common form of skin cancer. The other major types are squamous cell and melanoma, melanoma being the most serious form of skin cancer.
Basal cell signs
Squamous cell signs
Melanoma signs
Triggering the immune system to fight against skin cancer
Second week of a treatment with Aldara
About five years ago, instead of removing a suspicious area, our dermatologist prescribed a cream with the brand name Aldara (imiquimod), which Barry has used many times since. It works by triggering the immune system, which in turn activates the molecule interferon-alpha to fight the pre-cancerous or cancerous cells. Treatment lasts four to six weeks and as it progresses, the area can look pretty angry. It also often grows beyond the original site. We see the latter as a good thing, because it means his immune system is attacking pre-cancerous cells we didn?t even know were there. He doesn?t like how it looks during the treatment, but told me ?I have peace of mind because I get a sense that I?ve prevented something from becoming worse.?
I want to thank Barry for allowing me to show the picture of him during his treatment. He?s a good man.
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You could use a travel agent. If you\?re planning a trip to an exotic location, this might be your best bet. Travel agents know the hotels and lodging in the areas of their expertise, and they can give you good guidance and advice for budget travel.
You could use one of the big Internet booking agencies. Those can help you get pretty good deals. It\?s worthwhile to check two or three of them to see how they rate different hotels, so you\?ll get what you want. Whenever you\?re looking at hotels and bed-and-breakfasts on the Internet, remember, any place can look good with some creative photography.
We recommend avoiding the companies that don\?t tell you the name of the hotel until after you make your reservation. Also remember that when hotels are tied to booking agencies, they lose a cut to that agency. You might be just as well off booking directly with the hotel.
It pays to find a good budget travel guide. If you like their philosophy, you will probably like the hotels they recommend. You can call the hotel directly. Chances are you will be able to talk to someone who speaks English. You can contact almost all of them over the Internet these days, either by e-mail or by contacting them through their own web site.
Although budget travel tips are on top of the agenda, you need to take so many other points into consideration to avoid a disappointing vacation, so make a note of the following guidelines?
If you e-mail the hotel directly, tell them the number of rooms you want and how many people per room. They will need to know the date of your arrival and the date of your departure? so the number of nights you will be staying.
Remember that in most places in the world, dates are written with the day/month/year, not with the month/day/year as it is in the U.S. To avoid confusion on any continent, we write the month out rather than using numbers.
Once you hear back from them, if they have a room at the price you want, accept the reservation. You may have to send your credit card number. We\?re reluctant to send our credit card number in e-mail. You can call and give them your credit card number.
If you have used the hotel\?s own site to contact them, make sure it is a secure site before you send your credit card number to them that way.
Be sure to read the hotel cancellation policies carefully before you make a reservation.
If you make hotel reservations with one of the big travel booking sites or with the hotel itself, beware of non-refundable reservations.
When you make your hotel reservations, you will receive a confirmation by e-mail. Print it, and take it with you. Don\?t delete the original e-mail until you have completed your trip, and you know you have been billed correctly.
If your travel dates are firm, you\?ll find that to get into the most popular and best value hotels, it\?s worthwhile to make those hotel reservations ahead.
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An instance of this would be your automobile, the animals or livestock you very own, your furniture, and even your cash. They aren?t permanently connected to the ground on which they stand, which can make them a lot more than qualified to be grouped as personal prop. Finding again to the topic on tax, personalized residence taxes are assessed on home that?s used in enterprise only, my good friend. The neighborhood assessor in your region has the responsibility of delivering you with a kind, in which you?ll be presented the obligation of submitting it up. With it, you?ll be demanded to state the appeal of your residence.
On the other hand, real estate taxes will be assessed on both residential or industrial house ? how very much will you be expecting to shell out here? Effectively that?d depend on the current market value of the true residence. Here?s t tip for you to usually keep in brain that you could obtain an notion on how additional or much less it functions: know the worth of it. This is significant due to the fact the greater the price, the larger the true estate taxes will be. They rise in numbers accordingly. The worth is assessed yearly by the assessor?s division. They deliver a notice to the tax payer just about every January that you may well know it (naturally).
There are some occasions however when you?ll be ?tax exemptions?. The most frequent standards for judging whether or not you?ll be skilled for the exemption would be your age, and the state of your disability (if any). In essence, this is the variation among the two forms of taxes. If you?d like to get into the details, it?d be smart to do some investigation.
Promoting your home with a lease obtain agreement was possibly not what you had in head when you set the for sale indicator up in the front property, but now you have arrived across a really serious buyer that is just not rather ready or in a position to close on the obtain proper now. Probably they are just waiting on the sale of their prior property in a distinct state or possibly they have a handful of things on their credit report that will be cleared up in advance of too extended.
You really feel very self-confident they are considerable about shopping for the residence and you are considering letting them hire the residence until eventually they can close on the acquire. You have almost certainly heard of a lease possibility but know that?s not just the style of offer you are entering into with the purchaser.
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Marina Del Rey
Are you looking to buy a luxury estate, home, condominium, townhouse or investment property in the Marina Del Rey & The Strand areas of Los Angeles, California 90292? Let us help you find everything you need to know about buying or selling a home! As one of the preeminent, professional real estate teams in my community for over 21 years, we are dedicated to providing the finest service available while breaking new ground. Because the real estate industry is becoming more sophisticated and challenging every day, you need a professional that understands the industry and is positioned to stay ahead of the game. We go the extra mile to help you achieve your goals. That?s why we constantly research the market and property values so your home is priced effectively from day one. We also make sure the public knows your home is for sale by using innovative advertising and marketing techniques to attract potential buyers. The Christophe Choo Real Estate Group at Coldwell Banker Previews International is the most comprehensive online source for luxury real estate listings, from estate homes to luxury condominiums, incredible tear down opportunities and investment properties. Based in beautiful Beverly Hills, California 90210, the Christophe Choo Real Estate Group provides exclusive luxury homes for sale on a local, global and international stage. Hence the tagline: ?Locally Known ? Globally Connected?. Search for luxury properties in your area, whether in the ?Platinum Triangle? areas of the Westside of Los Angeles of Beverly Hills, Holmby Hills and Bel Air or in The Sunset Strip, Hollywood Hills, Brentwood, Westwood, the Wilshire Corridor, Century City, Pacific Palisades, Santa Monica, Malibu, Venice, Marina Del Rey, Cheviot Hills, Hancock Park, Los Feliz and the key Westside areas of Los Angeles, the Christophe Choo Real Estate Group can help. Call or email me today! Christophe Choo The Christophe Choo Real Estate Group Coldwell Banker Previews International Beverly Hills 310-777-6342 Or send me an email:
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(all data current as of
0 beds, 0 baths
Lot size: 1.06 ac
Year built: 2008
Parking spots: 69
Days on market: 13
Walk Score?: 91
0 beds, 0 baths
Lot size: 7,439 sq ft
Parking spots: 20
Days on market: 163
Walk Score?: 42
0 beds, 0 baths
Home size: 8,000 sq ft
Lot size: 5,052 sq ft
Year built: 1992
Parking spots: 10
Days on market: 279
Walk Score?: 75
4 beds, 3 full, 1 part baths
Home size: 4,489 sq ft
Lot size: 7,666 sq ft
Year built: 2002
Parking spots: 3
Days on market: 106
Walk Score?: 49
4 beds, 5.0 baths
Home size: 5,758 sq ft
Lot size: 5,000 sq ft
Year built: 1996
Parking spots: 2
Days on market: 17
Walk Score?: 51
3 beds, 3.5 baths
Home size: 3,111 sq ft
Year built: 2003
Parking spots: 3
Days on market: 47
Walk Score?: 89
3 beds, 3 full, 1 part baths
Home size: 3,111 sq ft
Lot size: 6,647 sq ft
Year built: 2003
Parking spots: 6
Days on market: 51
Walk Score?: 89
0 beds, 0 baths
Home size: 4,500 sq ft
Lot size: 1,258 sq ft
Year built: 1968
Parking spots: 10
Days on market: 17
Walk Score?: 86
3 beds, 3.5 baths
Home size: 3,848 sq ft
Year built: 2006
Parking spots: 3
Days on market: 177
Walk Score?: 95
9 beds, 6.0 baths
Home size: 4,549 sq ft
Lot size: 3,615 sq ft
Year built: 1961
Days on market: 10
Walk Score?: 40
4 beds, 4.5 baths
Home size: 4,200 sq ft
Lot size: 3,694 sq ft
Year built: 1999
Parking spots: 6
Days on market: 103
Walk Score?: 49
3 beds, 4.5 baths
Home size: 5,400 sq ft
Lot size: 3,150 sq ft
Year built: 2003
Parking spots: 3
Days on market: 156
Walk Score?: 48
3 beds, 3.0 baths
Home size: 1,700 sq ft
Lot size: 2,520 sq ft
Year built: 1929
Days on market: 51
Walk Score?: 86
3 beds, 3.5 baths
Home size: 2,388 sq ft
Year built: 1974
Parking spots: 3
Days on market: 100
Walk Score?: 48
3 beds, 4.0 baths
Year built: 1981
Parking spots: 3
Days on market: 173
Walk Score?: 46
3 beds, 4.5 baths
Home size: 4,218 sq ft
Lot size: 3,150 sq ft
Year built: 2006
Parking spots: 8
Days on market: 73
Walk Score?: 78
4 beds, 6.5 baths
Home size: 5,078 sq ft
Lot size: 3,420 sq ft
Year built: 2001
Parking spots: 3
Days on market: 48
Walk Score?: 48
5 beds, 5.0 baths
Home size: 4,877 sq ft
Lot size: 4,791 sq ft
Year built: 2000
Days on market: 128
Walk Score?: 48
0 beds, 0 baths
Lot size: 2,874 sq ft
Year built: 2007
Parking spots: 12
Days on market: 534
Walk Score?: 45
4 beds, 5 full baths
Home size: 3,664 sq ft
Lot size: 2,874 sq ft
Year built: 2007
Days on market: 307
Walk Score?: 45
4 beds, 5.5 baths
Home size: 4,882 sq ft
Lot size: 3,150 sq ft
Year built: 1999
Parking spots: 3
Days on market: 1,194
Walk Score?: 32
3 beds, 4.0 baths
Home size: 4,856 sq ft
Lot size: 3,659 sq ft
Year built: 1989
Parking spots: 3
Days on market: 39
Walk Score?: 49
3 beds, 3.5 baths
Home size: 3,140 sq ft
Year built: 2010
Parking spots: 2
Days on market: 139
Walk Score?: 77
4 beds, 3 full, 1 part baths
Home size: 4,336 sq ft
Lot size: 3,815 sq ft
Year built: 1991
Parking spots: 3
Days on market: 96
Walk Score?: 22
3 beds, 3.0 baths
Home size: 2,995 sq ft
Year built: 2006
Parking spots: 2
Days on market: 67
Walk Score?: 95
3 beds, 2.5 baths
Home size: 2,331 sq ft
Year built: 2003
Parking spots: 2
Days on market: 660
Walk Score?: 89
3 beds, 3.5 baths
Home size: 3,140 sq ft
Year built: 2010
Parking spots: 2
Days on market: 123
Walk Score?: 77
0 beds, 0 baths
Home size: 5,160 sq ft
Lot size: 3,310 sq ft
Year built: 1972
Days on market: 32
Walk Score?: 45
5 beds, 4.0 baths
Home size: 3,500 sq ft
Lot size: 3,092 sq ft
Year built: 2005
Parking spots: 3
Days on market: 39
Walk Score?: 49
2 beds, 2.5 baths
Home size: 2,104 sq ft
Year built: 1974
Parking spots: 3
Days on market: 163
Walk Score?: 45
Listing information deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Read full disclaimer.
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Since my discovery of Weihenstephan, I've made a point to seek out every beer in their lineup. ?I found most of them pretty easily, with the exception of Vitus, who turned out to be one elusive S.O.B. ?Luckily, I found a few stashed away at my local?Natural Market?on Austin Street in Forest Hills. ?Operation Drink Everything Weihenstephaner was a success. ?Mission Accomplished.
Enter Tarte Flamb?e, a specialty from the Alsace region of France, which borders Germany and Switzerland. This dish, also known as "flammekueche" or "flammkuchen" on the German side of the border, starts with somewhat of a pizza dough that gets smeared with?Cr?me Fraiche?or Fromage Blanc, then?topped with red onion and bacon before entering an extremely hot oven. ?It's all about restraint with tarte flambee and a good recipe uses each ingredient sparingly to find the right balance between them all. ?The end result is a rich and comforting bite of food with a surprisingly mild flavor.
I really enjoyed this pairing. ?Both the beer and the tarte flambee are rich and filling while being subtly flavored. ?The creamy texture of the super-hefe works nicely with the soft cheese mixture and the biscuity malt is?enhanced?by the warm crusty pizza dough. ?Best of all, this isn't a pairing that requires a certain seasonal surrounding like some. ?I'd find this meal just as appropriate for winter comfort food as I would for a summer dinner party.
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